Resep: sedap Bread Caramel Popcorn

resep masakan enak.sedap dan mudah di buat yuk masak.

Bread Caramel Popcorn. Try caramel bread popcorn and enjoy. -In baking tray,add caramel bread popcorns and let them cool completely & serve. A quick and easy snack for your kids. Try caramel bread popcorn and enjoy.

Bread Caramel Popcorn Not only kids but everyone enjoys these caramelized popcorn. Thin, crisp, even coating of caramel over every piece, and stays The ultimate caramel popcorn! With a thin, crispy, even coating of caramel on every piece, this. Kamu bisa memasak Bread Caramel Popcorn memakai 5 resep dan 6 cara pembuatan nya seperti di bawah ini. Begini cara cara pembuatan nya .

Bahan bahan untuk resep Bread Caramel Popcorn

  1. persiapkan 2 lembar roti tawar.
  2. kamu membutuhkan 4 sdm gula pasir.
  3. kamu membutuhkan 3 sdm air matang.
  4. persiapkan 5 sdm susu cair.
  5. kamu membutuhkan 1 sdm butter/ margarine.

Freshly made caramel popcorn is practically impossible to resist. This recipe makes ridiculously good caramel popcorn. But, don't take my word for it, go make some and. Making crunchy caramel popcorn is a two step process.

Bread Caramel Popcorn langkah pembuatan

  1. Panaskan oven 170 derajat Celcius.
  2. Potong roti bentuk dadu lalu panggang sampai garing/kering. Kurang lebih 15-20 menit tergantung oven masing2..
  3. Lelehkan gula pasir di wajan teflon/anti lengket dengan api sedang sampai jadi caramel baru masukkan air matang, aduk terus sampai caramel larut dalam air dan meletup-letup dengan api kecil..
  4. Lalu masukkan susu cair, aduk terus sampai cairan kental dan meletup2 barualah masukkan butter/margarine, aduk lagi sampai rata dan larut.
  5. Terakhir masukkan roti kering, aduk sampai caramel menyelimuti roti keringnya..
  6. Sisihkan dan biarkan kena angin supaya kering kurang lebih 1 jam. Pastikan kering banget baru masukkan stoples..

First you make a simple caramel sauce on the stovetop by boiling butter and brown sugar for a few minutes. Then you coat the popcorn with. Homemade Caramel Popcorn that shockingly easy, buttery, rich, salty, sweet, crispy and better than any This Caramel Popcorn is out of this world! It is shockingly easy, made with a handful of pantry. This Caramel Popcorn hits all the notes!